Friday, January 26, 2007

Current setlist

Ok, since people seem to be pulling out left, right and centre, we probably ought to sort the contract thing out so that they won't do that any more. I have the contract on my computer--does someone want me to email it to them so they can bring some along next Tuesday, or something?

SETLIST. The times here are approximate, and in some cases quite possibly completely wrong. Tell me if you know I'm way out on something, and I'll change it.

- Rapping // Rohand and Jocelyn // 5 minutes
- Guitars, part one // Andy and Maddie W // 10 minutes
- Dancing // Shanique's troupe // 5 minutes
- Ukuleles, part one // Maddies B and W // 10 minutes
- Play // the lady who Olly knows and various Ambassadors // 10 minutes

INTERVAL // 15 minutes

- Guitars, part two // Andy and Maddie W // 10 minutes
- Dancing // Jo and Chris // 3 minutes
- Film // Sarah and Nina // 10 minutes
- Singing // Shanique and Samantha // 10 minutes
- Ukuleles, part two // Maddies B and W // 5 minutes

I have not included Nic's singing, because I don't know if this is happening. Any word on that, Sarah? If she does decide to do it, I propose putting her between Guitars (part one) and the dance troupe.


Important news from the one and only Lady Tropical!

Howdy people of england!
It has come to my attention that we are all confused. and if we are not all confused then I most certainly am. I find that it is in all our best interests to POST ON THIS BLOG THINGS THAT HAPPEN AT MEETING AND AUDITIONS or else people miss them and spend ages phoning each and every one of you asking the same bleeding questions. I love you.
basically it would help my sanity if i could find out the exact running order of the acts, timing and the equiptment they will be needing. because if i am to survive a night with lighting, managing and bossing people around oh and moving stuff to places i need to know what is going on. I love you...again.
what else oh yeah Jess sweetie ur phone doesnt work, it says ur number doesnt exist and we all know you do because u grace us with ur beautiful self every tuesday. need to talk/hug jess.
Andy, Maddie, Jocelyn and Kirsty..we keep in touch. tis good
another thing, i think randall migth wna come back..what du u say folks? he is still UNRELIABLE but hes fun ive told him when meetings r if he wants to drop in. any bets on the outcome?
Oly - hope u had a good time in prague..u missed the snow :o
George - Hope u had a good time by the sea...and ate icecream when it snowed :D
oh yeah and everyone start sending the flyer through ur msn contact list. as soon as ppl sign in online and the sounds goes ping then hit them with the flyer and keep nudging them till they reply and accept it.
Love everyone and see you at 6pm Tuesday
Love Sarah xxxxx

Thursday, January 25, 2007




And oh dear god, I promised to write this on Sarah's behalf, and only just at this moment has it struck me that I can't make it. It's my mum's birthday, and we're going out to see a play, and arghhh I am really sorry. Really. But please, please go along and make my absence seem even worse! I will be there in spirit? I will send Peter instead. He hasn't been out much recently.


Friday, January 19, 2007


Loads of news so listen up!

  1. This Tuesday I am away in Prague so I can't open up the Clocktower Activities Room (CAR for short) for you all to use. If you need a space to rehearse or have already made plans to meet etc please contact George ( and she'll open up for you or find you a space (so all is not lost!!). Other than that we're back on from Tuesday 30th January.

  2. The steel drums will potentially not be happening! On Tuesday, I told everyone about a new physical theatre practitioner from Croydon. She's 25 and called Eleanor. She had a show at Edinburgh last year that was critically acclaimed. I've asked her if she would be willing to work with the ambassadors interested in performance, to devise a short 10 minute piece (yes, of the physical theatre kind)! So for anyone wanting to be involved, Eleanor will be coming on Tuesday 30th from 6:00pm to work with us. This should be a pretty good chance to create something spectacular for the show (not that there ain't loads of good stuff already, right!). So let me know if you fancy being in this performance.

  3. 1,000 flyers and 60 posters arrived today (designed by Jess and her mate). They look really good. Because I'm away from Saturday til next Friday, I've left them with Ticket Office. Please collect some when you get a chance and promote the show like there's no tomorrow - you want it to be SOLD OUT right!! Take about 30 - 40 flyers each plus 3 - 4 posters (unless you know you can use more)

  4. On Tuesday 6 Feb - after the usual preparation time for the show, we should all go and see Testing 1,2,3 at 8pm in the theatre. This will be a good chance to see what The Ambassadors will be's quite a similar set up!

  5. Sarah has finished designing the ambassador website. Soon it will be called

  6. keep working on your show.............I think it's gonna be great!!!! Keep up the good work!

Here's what the flyer/poster looks like:

Monday, January 15, 2007

Is it me or has this got more complicated?


Apparently I have switched to new blogger. Well done me!

Anyhow, just to start getting the word out, the last full day of the Ambassadors Croydon Now exhibition will be 27th January. Tell everyone to hurry and see it before it goes.

Your beautiful works will be available to collect from me from 1st Feb. You can call me to arrange picking stuff up (020 8253 1026 or 07986 800622) and I'll make sure I'm around on some of the prep nights for 'The Ambassadors' too.

The next exhibition is called Journeys of Change and it opens on 10th Feb. Pop in and have a look!


Monday, January 08, 2007

just to confirm

There are no more acts going into the showcase.

The not-auditions were meant to be a cut-off point for potential acts: it would be really unfair to the people who actually came along on the days to accept more now. (This is, of course, excepting acts who confirmed beforehand that they would be taking part, like the steel drums.)

I'm sure there are loads of great bands/singers/anything that would like to take part, but it's a bit late now: we've got as much material as we need.

Love from three-quarters of the programming team, and crossing fingers that Andy agrees with us here.



The not really auditions!"£$%^??

Friday 5 / Saturday 6 January: Proposals for The Ambassadors

The Programming team


Hard rock

more proposals for THE AMBASSADORS

Ukelele girls (or how do you spell it girls?)

.....more of the same

The hosts!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

there's also a little picture of a Dalek, but that's probably less relevant

I'm not sure how many people actually read this, but for anyone that does, here's the write-up of everything I found on paper after the two not-auditions.

Current idea for setlist follows. The timings are mostly rough guesses, rounded to the nearest five minutes, so could be slightly longer or shorter.

(as approved by, I think, myself, Andy and Olly)

- Rapping // Rohan and Jocelyn // 5 minutes
- Guitars, part one // Andy and Maddie W // 10 minutes
- Singing // Nic // 5 minutes
- Play // Jess and co // 10 minutes
- Ukuleles, part one // Maddies B and W // 10 minutes
- Steel band // Rosina and co // 10 minutes

INTERVAL // 15 minutes

- Guitars, part two // Andy and Maddie W // 10 minutes
- Dance // Jess and Emilie // 5 minutes
- Film // Sarah and Nina // 10 minutes
- Singing // Shanique // 5 minutes
- Chicago // Jess and co // 5 minutes
- Ukuleles, part two // Maddies B and W // 5 minutes

This adds up to an hour and a half's worth of material, give or take, plus a fifteen minute interval--giving us an hour and forty-five minutes of showcase total, and fifteen minutes to run over into if anything goes wrong.

Any thoughts/endorsements/complaints?

Meanwhile, Kirsty and Jocelyn will be compering, and Jonathan's pictures will be up on a slideshow before, after and during the interval of the show.

- Jess and Emilie's dance
- Jocelyn and Rohan rapping
- the play
- Chicago
- Both Nic and Shanique, with backing track/musicians/whatever they're going to do--I'm assuming neither is planning to sing acapella
- Steel drums (I am aware Rosina is not very well at the moment, so obviously only when she's had time to get better)
- Film (again, aware this won't be done for a month or so, but, you know, when it is)
- Jonathan's pictures (just to have a look through them)

The sooner these can be performed (completed) at at Tuesday session, the better. This Tuesday (9th) is very short notice, so could I ask that as many oustanding acts as possible be ready by the week after (16th)? If friends of non-ambassador acts could let them know, and find out when they'll be ready by? That would be several shades of brilliant.

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