Loads of news so listen up!

- This Tuesday I am away in Prague so I can't open up the Clocktower Activities Room (CAR for short) for you all to use. If you need a space to rehearse or have already made plans to meet etc please contact George ( and she'll open up for you or find you a space (so all is not lost!!). Other than that we're back on from Tuesday 30th January.
- The steel drums will potentially not be happening! On Tuesday, I told everyone about a new physical theatre practitioner from Croydon. She's 25 and called Eleanor. She had a show at Edinburgh last year that was critically acclaimed. I've asked her if she would be willing to work with the ambassadors interested in performance, to devise a short 10 minute piece (yes, of the physical theatre kind)! So for anyone wanting to be involved, Eleanor will be coming on Tuesday 30th from 6:00pm to work with us. This should be a pretty good chance to create something spectacular for the show (not that there ain't loads of good stuff already, right!). So let me know if you fancy being in this performance.
- 1,000 flyers and 60 posters arrived today (designed by Jess and her mate). They look really good. Because I'm away from Saturday til next Friday, I've left them with Ticket Office. Please collect some when you get a chance and promote the show like there's no tomorrow - you want it to be SOLD OUT right!! Take about 30 - 40 flyers each plus 3 - 4 posters (unless you know you can use more)
- On Tuesday 6 Feb - after the usual preparation time for the show, we should all go and see Testing 1,2,3 at 8pm in the theatre. This will be a good chance to see what The Ambassadors will be's quite a similar set up!
- Sarah has finished designing the ambassador website. Soon it will be called
- keep working on your show.............I think it's gonna be great!!!! Keep up the good work!
Here's what the flyer/poster looks like:

I can't help out tomorrow night!
Need to go to Shoreham by Sea!
Yea kl, me & Jo wanna do a 10min performance piece. Dats gonna be soo kl!
aww bless, i heard there was sooo much confusion last tuesday. Oly you cant leave us alone again we get confused without you...well not me off course, I rule, I never get confused...except this one time....but enough about me. Yes everyone gets confused at times and thats the end of that!
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