Saturday, October 07, 2006

money !

ok, i have been told to rite something on the blog about the management team meeting i went to for croydon youth tingy. basically all i remeber and understod really was that it was raining-alot and dat dere were people dere from all walks of lyk n i mean ALL walks of lyf. also that we cld actuali apply for sum money for ambassadors to do as we please wiv ~ well of course it wld have to be sometink worth while. for example we cld use the money to go on a trip sumwhere n cepcially lyk a residential 1 or sumin as part of a team building excercise.
summary; croydon has been given sumin lyk 700 000 pounds to spend on youths and youth organisations so we can apply for any amount of money we lyk aslong we have a justified reason :)


Blogger irony in motion said...

Hoorah, let flow of joy be unstemmed, etc. LET'S GO AND SEE VIRGINS AGAIN.

3:54 pm  

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