Sunday, August 13, 2006


Hey ya

rite i have bin sitting at this laptop for hours getting people for next wednesdays filming.

i have the uk irish dancing champion, maybe two guitarists and two singers maybe three. i have bin networking and loving every second, when im not complaining about the laptop burning my legs.

wed filming was really good i thought. i think we all loved the market stall girl the best. we got her to run through the different call outs she uses and she was really bubbly.

random ppl were interviewed and it was really lively but kinda wore of by the end of the day. the whole filming thing gives me a real buzz though. im having so much fun. i dno who thought of the idea but i wana say thanks to you guys for letting me be camera person cuz i love it so much. u guys rock!!!

newayz .. i think we need to get the to shout out other words apart from BUBBLY FUN PRETTY etc.
thinking about what emma was saying eg PINK TALL WEIRD we can just ask them questions which warrent those responses eg. describe the nestle building? which would get them to say tall or sumin.

i got loadsa gossip for everyone on wednesday so it'lll keep us busy

love to everyone,

Love Sarah xxxx


Blogger ot said...

Hey Sarah

Can you think of some mad places to film ur mates in the Clocktower - just in case it's raining - we could use different places in teh clocktower.....maybe we have to film on the street tho - i might be interfering - o god

5:14 pm  

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