Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Conference tingy

Rite on tuesday me, Neal, Michelle and Sarah went to this conference ting at the hilton in purley. olly was ment to go but had a 'cold', pathetic excuse :p lol. basically every county/borough/town/random places gets given a sum of money inorder to spend by youth for youth. Croydon (having the most young peolple) got the most money! yey! so basically they wanted people to give their ideas. it was of the most BORING thing that we all agreed on we have eva been thro at the beggining as it did get better. firstly we were late to get started and then when we did we had a talk followed by anova followed by anova in which they were all saying the exact same thing but in the most loooongest and complicated way that they could find! then we had an 'ice breaker' in which we had to design a poster thing with pens and some glitter! and of course pens on which we could do our ideas on what we would spend the money on. (it was about £8000 btw) we did an under 18's nightclub, a park only for youths, a hostile, a smooothie bar, a cafe, a youth club and an activity centre. Our poster came 2nd!! then it was break!!! at looong last, but because we went to the loo first of all (which may i just add played the most strangest posh posh posh music which is really desturbing when your trying to do your makeup! lol) that when we went to go and get a drink it was all gone! so we got stuck with some manky orange juice or water. we then had a discussion time, which was alright, where we decided our top 5 priorities on what we want to spend the money on. the under 18's club was at the top and then a youth centre and a park and some other things that i can't remeber. we then played a fun game with stickers! oh and another thing is that we also went to the conference thing in order to chose a management team for looking after the money and so we had to use the stickers to stick on what qualities we wanted to the management team to have. and then it was lunch !!!! this has got to be the highlight of the day. the food was gorgeous! and the cakes were to die for but again all the drinks were gone in a flash. when we had finished we decided to go and sign the 'graffiti' board. (basically it was a board where you were ment to write your opinions but no one use it for that) where i met a very interesting young man who had made some interesting observations. oh and dw ollie we did our audience developing thing as we wrote about the clocktower and that the 'ambassadors were here' lol :p after we indured another loong and boring discussion where i was forced to ask a question and then didn't really understand the answer. during this we played a good few games of hang man and noughts n crosses, in which me and michelle won!!!! and then we were aloud to go home!!! wowowowo! any ways basically we have learnt that we can claim this money by filling in a form and the money can go towards whatever we want, well with in reason, like trips, buildings etc. and so we were thinking maybe we could use this money to our advantage?!? ideas please.....


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