Sunday, July 02, 2006

Random Stuff

Hey all,

Oly was right, phoenix was brilliant, Ant n I went to see and really enjoyed it. We have to get something done about the lack of/non existence of performances during the summer holiday. Seriously this is the only time of year when young people can or want to go somewhere different.

Next point, oh yeah, referring to a post looonnnng ago, I was in the group with Emma and Andy. We went to the Queens Gardens and apart from eating a box of strawberry's we found OMG BECKHAMS JUST RESIGNED!!!
sorry my dad just said....
anyways we found a really good spot by the water fountain that shows the clocktower, the grass in an archway sort of thing. It looks really good. So perfect place for a dance routine or something to take place. The noise of traffic could be a problem and lack of people at certain times of the day. I know that Fridays from about 3pm till late are nice and busy. With people of all ages chillin out on the grass, having water fights, that sorta thing.

On personal news, its my prom on Wednesday and me and ant have been together for 10 months!! woooo!!!

Also on Tuesday we have the "Youth Funding" thing at the Croydon Hilton. I'm going, not sure who else is though.

Babbled on enough. See ya'll soon.

Love Sarah xxxx


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