Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Bellowhead Concert Review for Arts Awar

On Friday the 23rd February, I went to see Bellowhead live in concert at the Mick Jagger Centre in Dartford.

Bellowhead are an eleven-piece folk-big-band, whose popularity has rapidly snowballed in the past two years. This band, who call their style "English World Music", have won the prestigious "Best live act" award at the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards in both 2005 and 2007.

Having only heard one song by Bellowhead before the concert, I was a bit cautious as to whether I would enjoy it or not. For me, folk music is either fantastically brilliant and I can't get enough or I can't stand it. At this point, I did not know about the awards the band had won, but I would soon find out why they had won them.

As soon as I entered the venue, I could feel an atmosphere in the building of excitement. The bar was full of "folkies" having a laugh, giving the whole place a friendly environment.

We all packed into the hall, and awaited the band to arrive on stage. When they came out, a huge uproar of approval sprang from the crowd. Opening with the fan favourite "Rigs of the Times", they got the crowd singing along, clapping and even dancing. There was huge electricity in their playing which made it an awesome experience. My other favourite songs were "London Town", a song "about ripping off a prostitute" according to the lead singer, Jon Boden, and "Sloe Gin", a instrumental folk jig that had people in the Balcony, including myself, jumping out of their seats and trying to "jig". They closed with the powerful ballad "Jordan", with almost the whole band singing the anthemic chorus and the whole crowd singing it back at them.

I have been to two folk festivals, and concerts of more "well known" bands such as Panic! At The Disco and My Chemical Romance, but I can say that the atmosphere and electricity flowing around the venue that night mixed with the incredible music being played made this the best concert I have ever been to.

If you ever get the chance to see this band live, do. It may not appeal to people who listen to rap or garage, but if you like any sort of pop, rock or folk music, go and see this band and you will be astounded, and I can guarantee that it will be one of the best nights out of your year, if not your life.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Am I here now?

Thursday, March 08, 2007

The Ambassadors reviewed

Here is the review that appears in the Croydon Advertiser this week:

Young Arts Ambassadors and Friends
The Ambassadors
20th February 2007
Theo Spring

This ad hoc group of youngsters between the ages of 14 – 19 presented a varied programme of entertainment at the Braithwaite Hall, for one night only.
A series of ‘turns’ brought vocals in various styles – rap, pop, a cappella and comedy – each chosen to showcase the talent of the performers.
Andy and Maddie, each on guitar, accompanied Andy’s vocals which included Andy’s version of Moon Dance and the Colour Blind Blues – a clever piece written by Maddie.
Rohan Jocelyn and Shanique brought rap to the evening – sung just a little too fast for me to catch all the words which was a shame as those I did hear spoke volumes.
Two dance groups were both very well rehearsed and very different. Loud had clockwork movements down to a T and gave an opportunity for each member to solo their own speciality, but, as in many of the acts, no formal finish had been rehearsed. A simple bow, in a line, is all that is required, and it lets the audience know that their applause is then welcome. Sadly, many performers simply drifted off the stage at the end of their piece.
The Three Non-Blondes looked great in their black shorts and red tops and brought a more fluid kind of choreography to their dance – all of which was done with very serious faces.
The back stage crew did a very good job sorting out the microphones, seats etc and it was the film Off the Record which attracted gremlins and we were unable to see the full piece. Based on vox pop in and around Croydon, it asked some interesting questions and was well edited, although suffered from the considerable back-ground noise of the shopping centres in which it was filmed.
Rewind – a well-acted drama, was cleverly based on the temptations of easy money from selling drugs and its consequences, and involved the cast, literally, rewinding themselves having made the wrong decision, to then take the right one.
Sam sang a gentle solo and Shanique tackled a cappella but it was the two ukulele-playing Maddies who won the day for me with excellent harmony in the Beatles’ Help and sent us all home laughing with the silly words of I’m Ironing My Goldfish Flat from the BBC Four comedy series I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again.
Kirsty and Jocelyn were bright and lively MC’s, with some good interaction with the audience.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Happy Birthday Blog

Hey ya'll!! the blog has officially been in use for one year....yesterday!! wayhey!
any case ya didnt get my email here my copy and pasted version
"Was wondering if those who had that to complete it (the arts award) could meet this tuesday or something and go through it together, it would probs help us all."
i dont think oly's in untill thursday..or so his automatic emailing service says so we could blag a room or something???
luv yoooooooossseeee

Friday, March 02, 2007

Forgot to say this on Tuesday.

Hello - this is my first ever post! That's really bad actually...

To echo what the other Maddie said, yay for the review! Well done everyone :D

The woman who reviewed us is actually a friend of my gran (she threatened to cross her off the Christmas card list if she wrote anything bad about us...only joking) and she said to me on the night that something that would have improved the evening was if there had been a programme available, because she didn't know anybody's surname to put in the review. Other than that she loved it though, obviously!

So just a bit more feedback there.

Hope you all have a good weekend,



in which we are reviewed


There's a review of the showcase on page 22 of The Guide. We got four stars! Seriously! (We beat, er, The Woman In White, which only got three, and the only thing to beat us with five stars was an actual proper production of The Rocky Horry Show.)

If anyone can't get hold of it, I am happy to type up the review, but I won't put it up yet because I don't want to spoil it for anybody.

In conclusion, we are awesome, k.

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