Friday, December 29, 2006



lol loved the last post n i totally agree with everything u have said...and i loved the convo brilliant i couldnt have said anything better myself!

working links eh? well they work for me and on olly's computer in his office however the best way to get on the site is...

go to google and type in "The BRIT school" then click on the brit website and ta daa up comes the brit homepage. on the links on the left click "Media" on that page you will see two thumbnail pictures. click the one above "Brit fm" which has the words "40- Social Action 44 - Digital Communication" to the right of it.

After clicking on the image you will be taken to another website and on the links along the top find the one saying "class register" and click on "12CMo" find my name "Sarah Jones" and you will find the website!! woo hoo

or just click on this link below

Hope it works for everyone this time.

Love you all and hope u had a great christmas

love Sarah xxxxx

Sunday, December 24, 2006

freak out in a moonage daydream ohhh yeah

A question for everyone--or, more honestly, for Sarah--is there a working link to the website anywhere? All the ones posted on here seem to be dead, and apparently there is new stuff that I haven't seen, so...?

I feel like I ought to say something else. Well. Great to see the video up! Still insanely proud of having shot that opening bit! I stood there for ten minutes patiently waiting for it to chime, so I hope everyone appreciates the effort that went into those twenty seconds of film.

And those of you who didn't come to The Impossibles (which is, well, most people) missed out--it was rather brilliant, as I am sure Jess/Kirsty/Sarah/Rosina (oh dear I am sure I have spelt that wrong)/Olly/George/that lady from the South Asian Ambassadors whose name I still don't know will testify. It was, essentially, a stunt show, but not so much "fire breathing and dangerous animals and DEATHLY RISK OMGZ" as "some juggling and hoops and stuff". But the whole atmosphere of the show was so warm and informal and friendly--we had the main guy riffing with us briefly about being cheap enough to have brought our own coke (shut up! Olly brought it!), and they had a whole section with a little boy being brought up to the front to do some entertaining stuff with a ball and some water, and Rosina got to be the fat man's assistant while he stripped (not entirely, but enough to be slightly repulsive) and juggled knives with some beer on his head, so... it was pretty good. I got tic-tacs and beer spat on me, which was my fault for sitting at the front, so there you go.

I managed to grab one of them in the bar afterwards--well I didn't grab him, obviously, that would have been a bit bizarre, I just talked to him:

ME: Hi, that was really great!

HIM: Oh, thank you!

ME: I loved the ukulele bit. [note: there was a ukulele bit.]

HIM: Ah, brilliant, yeah, that's quite a new routine, actually... only about the second time we've done that.

ME: It was great... how long have you been playing?

HIM: Er, well... *thinks* A long time.

ME: I'm only just getting into it.

HIM: So where did you lot all come from?
[our table was at the front, and quite... vocal.]

ME: Oh, we're the Ambassadors for the Clocktower--like, the young representatives--we see a lot of stuff here, actually, and some of it's a bit... you know...

HIM: Hahahaha, really?

ME: Yeah, but I really did enjoy this... I'd come again.

HIM: (emphatically) Do! Please! And tell your friends, because... really, we do actually need some more people...

ME: Ok!

HIM: Great! Well, thanks!

Here's their (actually fairly useless, but never mind) website, by the way, and--for those of you who deign to move in those circles--their myspace.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing everyone at the next meeting, and for the not-really-auditions. Looking forward to some of the stuff that's on in the spring, too--Hugh Dennis! I love him! And Brian Sewell, oh my god, that's actually fantastic, I think his voice might be my absolute favourite of all voices, ever. Who needs youth theatre?
croydon art

made by ambassadors

Friday, December 15, 2006

Informal Tryouts for Feb showcase


Just a note to confirm that I've booked the Clocktower Activities Room (Clocktower ground floor with curtains) for the informal tryouts on Friday 5th January from 6:30 pm to 8:00pm. Get going with inviting acts along!

Olly - have you got a room sorted for the Saturday 6th January session?

Good to see you lot again last night.
